If you have given online to LifePoint Church in the past, we thank you for your generosity. If you would like to give online to LifePoint in the future, we want you to know about an important change.
For the last several years, online giving at LifePoint Church has been supported through Breeze Church Management Systems. Other processes (like volunteer coordination and KidzLife check-in) have been housed in Planning Center.
In an effort to consolidate all of our processes into one management software, online giving will now be supported through Planning Center.
Below, you will find step-by-step instructions on how to end your recurring donations in Breeze and setup your donations in Planning Center.
Step 1: Close your Breeze giving.
(If you do not give recurring donations through Breeze, skip to Step 2.)
Use the link below to access Breeze giving.​
Under the 'Continue' button, click 'Sign In' to login to your Breeze account.
Click 'Manage Recurring Giving.'
​Click 'Change.'
​Click 'Stop Recurring Gift.'
If you have successfully ended your Breeze recurring giving, you will see a message that reads: 'You don't have any recurring gifts setup."
Step 2: Start your Planning Center giving.
Using the link below, create or login to your Planning Center account.​​
Set up your recurring gift. You can choose the amount, date, frequency, and payment method for your gift.
Thank you for your cooperation with this change, and thank you for your continued generosity.