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Giving at LifePoint

We desire to be generous with our resources because God has been generous to us.


You can give at our giving boxes on Sunday mornings or set up a one-time or recurring gift online.

Why give?

When you give to LifePoint Church, you help the church meet needs locally and globally, all for the goal of multiplying disciples.


However you choose to give, remember to be a faithful and generous giver, being grateful for all that God has given you (2 Corinthians 9:7-11).​


Thank you for investing in God's work in Oconee County and around the world.

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Share Campaign

The Share Campaign is an annual offering when LifePoint partners are asked to give over-and-above their regular tithes and offerings to fund local and global mission efforts.


The first Share Campaign happened in 2014 when a couple from our church needed funding to become missionaries in Zambia. They needed $20,000; the people of LifePoint gave over $40,000. In every Share Campaign since, we have raised over $100,000 each year for mission efforts around the world.


The Share Campaign is typically held during the month of October. If you would like to participate, please begin praying and preparing for how you can give to the next Share Campaign.

What are we doing with your money?

We want to be completely transparent with how we steward your faithful giving. Click the button below to see our most recent financial report and budget.

  • At the end of each year, we email out giving statements to all of our contributors who provide information with their donations.

  • In our online giving portal, you can designate where you want your donation to go (i.e. General Fund, Share Campaign, Mission Trip, etc.).

  • 1926 Blue Ridge Blvd.

    Seneca, SC 29672

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